Sunday, May 15, 2011

Daisy in her slumbers

Daisy in her slumbers by Rachvb417
Daisy in her slumbers, a photo by Rachvb417 on Flickr.

Daisy needed extra rest on Saturday after partying saturday night!

We spent the rainy morning cleaning. Daisy of course put her nose in everything and tried to get some attention during the process. She always gives us that look of, hey, stop cleaning and play with me. She thinks she's funny when she grabs your shoe while you're cleaning out your closet or nibbles on a box. Daisy Ann, oh Daisy.

After a bit, Daisy made herself comfy on the bed for a recovery nap. And how cute is she all relaxed at the head of the bed leaning on our volleyball pillow. (she must be having net dreams for when we go to the beach)!

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