Sunday, May 15, 2011

Daisy & I get a cartoon caricature done at the annual Tails in the City party (fundraiser for anti-cruelty Society)

Friday's Yappy Hour was a blast. From 6-9pm, we had open bar and hor'deurves n' doggy snacks, as we chatted and participated in all the activities.

I've never had a caricature drawing done, but how much fun to have one done of you and your dog. From the red carpet to photo booths, we had so much fun making friends and memories at an event that was really done to the tees.

As usual, we gravitated towards other cavaliers and their owners. We met up with Cookie & Julia from our cavalier meet-up of course (they were the ones that shared the invitation). We also met about fifteen other cavaliers. We had Blenheim (chestnut) like Daisy, a couple tan and black (king Charles), a few rubies, and a beautiful tri-colored (prince Charles). They ranged in age. Many were between Daisy (16 months) and 2-6 years. There was even a 5 month old cavalier in a tu-tu!! She had a little pretty spot on her head like Miss Daisy. Can you imagine getting all the these cavaliers together for a photo? Well we did. We gathered as many as we could to the red carpet. Too much fun!

I had never been to any event like this. It was a blast! Daisy and I enjoyed our Yappy Night out!

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